суббота, 12 ноября 2011 г.

A step forward to continue what has already been started

5 days left til the begining of our mission trip to India and Nepal

We continue the project "They are not to blame", which we've started, and continue to step forward into this direction and send people to India and Nepal.

This time there are 7 people in our team:
Pavel Kolesnikov - pastor at Zelenograd Baptist Church and leader of the team
Anatoly Oleynik - senior pastor of Kirov region and pastor in the church in Kirov
Alexandr Kartavenko - pastor-missionary at Kinishma, Ivanov region
Vladimir Pachezertsev - diacon in Baptist Church in Kirovo-Chepetsk, senior minister in the central Russia for Gedeon Brothers mission
Irina Popova - member of Zelenograd Baptist church, teacher in Sunday school
Katya Vasilieva - member in Second Baptist Church, sing in the choir "For You"
Kristina Kolesnikova - member of Zelenograd Baptist Church, worship leader

God is great. He blesses every member of the team, send finance for the mission, blessed with prayer partners. We thank God for people's sacrifice - clothes, ballones, paper, materials for craft, toys, games, presents and many other staff, which we'll use during mission trip.

Please pray for us and may God bless you!

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